(Tech Up 2019) Chapter 1 - All about Omni-channels
An wonder event was held on the 9th Mar 2019 with colaboration with IxDC, Phase X and Kafnu. Over the course of the seminar, WestRoadSouth went over the the below topics in details.
An wonder event was held on the 9th Mar 2019 with colaboration with IxDC, Phase X and Kafnu. Over the course of the seminar, WestRoadSouth went over the the below topics in details.
Feel free to contact us by email at hello@westroadsouth.com before 8th March for a free entrance. March 9th, 2019 (Saturday)2:00pm – 4:30pm以科技為企業創新是現時營商必須考慮的重要一環。講座深入淺出解析科技如何協助營商發展, 減省成本及擴闊市場, 只需善用周未兩個半小時便可極速了解創科營商方法及建立創科營商脈絡。此講座以廣東話為主。Technology and digital
This time we will cover a high-level view of what to expect when receiving a website or mobile quotation from your agency. Digitization is making it inevitable for managers to scale up their